Editorial Services
the full suite
This is an all encompassing, thorough, and thoughtful representation of all our suites. During this 10-week collaboration, we will divide our workload into two main chunks: The first will allow us the opportunity to dig in and make sure the book's content is topnotch. From there, we will work on a line level, maximizing each sentence's sonic potential. Get started >>
content collaboration
In this rigorous 6-week revision suite, we will work on the book's global concerns, plotting, pacing, POV, and characterization. Our emphasis will be on honing in on the project's optimal architecture, streamlining it for emotional and dramatic effect. Get started >>
directed revision
This will be an 8 week pedal to the metal collaboration. This is our most popular option, offering clients the ability to work closely with an editorial presence to weigh the pros and cons of various narrative choices. We will analyze the decisions already on the page, determining if there are better, more compelling solutions. Our goal is to bring a level of impeccable intention to a book's design. Get started >>
quick collaboration
In a 2-week wind sprint, we will work on one narrative concern. Be it plotting techniques, a character's inner conflict, a problematic POV decision, etc, Decant will help you solve this problem in a compressed amount of time. By focussing our attention on a sole literary malady, rather than attempting to solve too many issues at once, we can bring a laser focus and make incredible progress. Get started >>
line edit suite
Once you're satisfied that the book's structure and content are functioning at the highest level--and that requires a certain level of Narrative Honesty with yourself--then it's time to dote on each and every sentence. This suite offers clients a line by line revision, perfecting the prose. Pricing for this suite varies depending on the length of the manuscript. Get started >>